Gina, Tyah, Saja, Wana and Netta….five feline moms, all from exceptional genetic lines. Amina Ae will make six moms by the fall of 2023.

Looking ahead, I am keeping Tyah’s five week old female (Tessa) and Saja’s thirteen day old female (Lina) (written July 27th 2023) as future moms. I am also acquiring a female from a foreign Singapura breeder late this year. With additional holdback female kittens from Netta, Gina, Saja and Wana in late 2023, I expect to have nine or ten moms in the house by the fall of 2024. These are “my girls”….
I am grateful and thankful that my girls give birth to the kittens that you, my kitten customers, are so patiently waiting for…
Asiatica Cattery has a consistently long waiting list, and is at the beginning of another transition/rebuilding period. Demand is always very strong and the supply of kittens is, unfortunately always quite limited. For the foreseeable future, new waitlist kitten customers can expect a three year wait for the next available kitten, male or female. Please note this is an estimate, not a guarantee! By the fall of 2024 with nine or ten moms in the house, I hope to be able to reduce wait times significantly. This however is not a fast process!! Patience is the watchword! Wait times for a female may be somewhat longer because as noted above, I will be holding back a female kitten from Gina, Netta, Saja and Wana’s next few litters to keep their genetic lines going as I re-home Netta, Saja and Gina next year (2024) (Saja and Netta have already been pre-sold).
Kittens, both male and female are $2,475.00 each. A small ($200.00) non-refundable deposit will secure a first come, first served spot on the waitlist for the next available kitten(s). Exact wait times will depend upon litter size and gender mix going forward…all things I have no control over. As most of you know these are tiny cats (my females average between 4 ½ and 6 (6 ½ pounds). Unfortunately litter sizes tend to be commensurately small (1-4 babies) contributing to longer wait times.
Delivery Options
Your Singapura kitten can be lovingly delivered to you personally via courier…hand carried to you aboard a flight to the airport nearest you. I never ship kitten’s air cargo, never. Fees here vary and are paid directly to Judy, my friend, neighbor and courier. Other options include flying to North Carolina where I or Judy can meet you at Raleigh Durham International (RDU). Judy or I can also deliver your kitten(s) to you by car, or meet you “halfway” throughout the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, Mid Atlantic or Southeast. Travel fees by car are $25.00/hour round trip. You can always choose to drive here to the cattery (my house). Call or email me for more details. Kittens are (usually) released to their new owners at twelve weeks of age (no sooner).
Although I know your Singapura kitten(s) is destined for a luxurious life full of love, warmth, pets and playtime, there are many other animals nationwide who are not as fortunate. Your purchase of one of my Singapura kitten(s) will automatically help the lives of some of those animals. Asiatica Cattery will donate 2% of the sale of each kitten, including yours, to a reputable animal shelter, welfare and/or rescue organization of your choice, such as the American Humane Society, PETA, ASPCA or other similar group(s).
Requests to be moved up or inserted into Asiatica Cattery’s waitlist based upon existing or future cancellations will be respectfully declined. Asiatica Cattery has a strict first come, first served policy based upon the date your check was written or your PayPal payment was emailed.