If you’ve been thinking about adopting a purebred kitten…a Singapura kitten in particular, this is what you need to know about Asiatica Cattery.

Perhaps you’ve found my website www.AsiaticaCattery.com, or have seen my classified ad in Catster Magazine or FBRL, the Fancier’s Breeders Referral List. Perhaps you fell in love with Singapuras for the first time on the Cat Channel…regardless, these online sites only give you a glimpse, a taste of the love, care and passion I put into breeding Singapura kittens.
I am Mike Lehmann, owner of Asiatica Cattery. I am an AARP member and have been fascinated with Singapuras for more than thirty years. I finally purchased my first Singapura kitten, a male (Tsing Hai) in 2008 and have been breeding actively since 2011. My goal is nothing less than to provide my kitten customers with the finest, healthiest, most well socialized Singapura kittens available.
Here’s how I do it.
Asiatica Cattery is small scale and home based. There are no cages anywhere, ever (except occasionally to quarantine moms or babies as necessary). All seven of my girls (possibly as many as ten by the fall of 2024), Sheena Es, my first spayed retiree (“Miss Superior”), Tsing Hai, my neutered male (“Mr. Velcro”), my stud males Gobi and Sami, Pepper, my Japanese Bobtail, and two rescue cats, Cali and “Mr. Outside” are all my personal pets. I love and care for them all as family. I spare no expense with wet and dry foods, litter, snacks, toys and more. Everyone gets virtually unlimited love and attention. Kittens are treated the same way, as family, as royalty. Kittens and moms are always first. They are given full attention, top priority at all times.
Water bowls (about fifteen total) are filled, cleaned and refilled twice each day, sometimes more than that. Once a day I drop in to their water bowls (with an eye dropper) a dental additive to protect their teeth and gums. My adult dry food mix is a custom mixture containing seven different Purina and Authority products. Babies and mothers enjoy another custom dry food mix containing four different ingredients mixed just for them. Wet foods are available 24/7. I go through more than 3200 3 ounce cans of wet foods every year. Believe it or not, I have gone through as many as 250 3 ounce cans of Fancy Feast in one two week period!
Three different top of the line nutritional supplements are added to food daily, including L-Lysine, an important amino acid for feline health as well as a probiotic. I use the finest scent free clumping litter available, use only non clay corn, wheat or similar edible litter (usually corn) for the little ones and have even more than the “one litter box per cat plus one” standard recommended by the experts.
All my cats are healthy, up to date on their vaccinations and have been tested negative for all major feline diseases. Kittens are likewise given all preventative vaccinations and worming medications to assure a healthy, vigorous start in life as per the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP). Kittens are released with a vet certified USDA health certificate, and a copy of my in-house “litter medication form” detailing the medical care given to each individual kitten zero to twelve weeks of age, the age at which most of my kittens are delivered to their new owners..
Equally important, kittens (and everyone else) are kissed, held, petted, engaged in play and otherwise talked to and nurtured daily as family until they are released to their new adoptive home at (usually) twelve weeks of age. Kitten lessons are taught positively. I do all I can to encourage new experiences and play, to feel human love, warmth, touch and caring as an important part of their growth…every day. Vigorous play is encouraged to strengthen heart and lungs and to foster strong muscle development.
I am also a self employed professional landscape architect and work from home (which also includes a near world class horticultural collection…I care for and nurture many thousands of other living things…my plants!!) Being single, I have the luxury and freedom to fill my house with hundreds of toys and other play equipment…and no one complains! Every day, all day is the right time to kiss and hug the little ones, praise and thank mom for her service and have a spontaneous, impromptu play session. I also watch the little ones carefully as they grow, monitoring what they are up to as they start to explore the nooks and crannies around the house (the house is thoroughly kitten proofed). Because I am here most of the time, these events occur all day, all the time.
I treat all, kittens included, like the intelligent, aware, sentient little spirits that they are. I am devoted to their healthy, wellbeing. I love them all dearly…Needless to say, this is very, very different than many cattery operations. I know this from personal, firsthand experience.
Bottom line: I knock myself out, do whatever it takes, spare no expense to provide you, my kitten customers with the finest Singapura kittens available.
Still have a few questions? Feel free to call or email me anytime.