Singapuras are rare cats…

Asiatica Cattery produces some of the finest Singapura kittens available, but demand is high and the process takes time.
Consequently, the wait for a hand raised kitten from Asiatica Cattery has consistently averaged 2 years for a female and as little as a year and a half for a male over the last several years…Recently the wait for a kitten as grown to 3 years for a kitten, male or female. I am taking steps to bring those wait times down in 2023 and beyond.
It’s worth remembering that Asiatica Cattery does not manufacture kittens: they need to be born and raised before getting to you, your arms, your family. I realize this is hard to swallow for many potential Asiatica Cattery customers whose first question is often “how soon can we get our kitten?”
My Singapura kitten customers invariably tell me “the wait was worth it!” Your Singapura kitten is worth waiting for…
My females must first come into heat or estrus, where they are receptive and attractive to my stud males Gobi and Sami. This “cycling” can be fairly regular, or not, depending upon the individual female and other environmental factors. Once successfully bred (itself not a foolproof process), the gestation period to birth is approximately 65 days, nine weeks, more than two months. The full cycle between litters takes all of six months. There is no rushing this process.
Another factor to consider: Singapuras are one of the, if not the smallest cat breeds. Most of my girls weigh between 4 ½ and 6 pounds. Unfortunately litter sizes are correspondingly small, ranging between one and four kittens per litter.
Once born, mom does virtually all the work for the first 4 ½ weeks or so, when, slowly over time babies are introduced to solid foods, eventually weaned and socialized. Kittens are petted, loved, engaged in play, kissed, hugged and talked to for a full 7 ½ more weeks until finally, at twelve weeks of age the little one(s) are ready for you and your family.
After babies have departed for their new homes, mom gets a well deserved break lasting a month or two. Bottom line? Two litters per year per female can be optimistic. This is nature’s cycle…much of it is out of my hands. The same is true for gender mix and litter size. These are things I have no control over.
Singapuras are remarkable, unique cats. Are you willing to wait for a hand raised kitten from Asiatica Cattery?
If so, I would love to provide you with your Singapura baby.
It will be worth the wait.